Atmega2560 pinout
Atmega2560 pinout

atmega2560 pinout

The static random access memory (SRAM) is 8 KB.Flash Memory like 256 KB where 8 KB of flash memory is used with the help of bootloader.DC Current for each input/output pin is 40 mA.The digital input/output pins are 54 where 15 of these pins will supply PWM o/p.The input voltage will range from 6volts to 20volts.The recommended Input Voltage will range from 7volts to 12volts.

atmega2560 pinout

The operating voltage of this microcontroller is 5volts.The specifications of Arduino Mega include the following. These boards work with every existing shield although can adjust to latest shields which utilize these extra pins. Another pin is not associated & it is kept for upcoming purposes. One pin is the IOREF that permit the shields to adjust the voltage offered from the Arduino board. Additionally, there are two latest pins located near the RST pin. The SCL & SDA pins of Mega 2560 R3 board connects to beside the AREF pin. This board can be protected from the unexpected electrical discharge by placing a base plate. So, the power supply of this board can be done by connecting it to a PC using a USB cable, or battery or an AC-DC adapter. This board mainly includes everything which is essential for supporting the microcontroller.


It includes digital input/output pins-54, where 16 pins are analog inputs, 14 are used like PWM outputs hardware serial ports ( UARTs) – 4, a crystal oscillator-16 MHz, an ICSP header, a power jack, a USB connection, as well as an RST button. The microcontroller board like “Arduino Mega” depends on the ATmega2560 microcontroller.

Atmega2560 pinout